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New and Upcoming Events

  We are hosting a brand new event! THE HARVEST HUSTLE

The Harvest Hustle is a student organized fun run held is late October. You can find the event listed in the program of activities below, or for more detailed information you can check out our Harvest Hustle page. 

Click the button to learn more!

  Important Dates:

There are a few major events hosted by North Central FBLA, Washington State FBLA, and the National FBLA organization. While Chelan FBLA does participate, we are not running the event in any capacity and are there purely to learn, compete, and grow. All events the notable events are also listed in the program of activities below.

Fall Leadership Conference

Nov 7 ~ This is an introduction to FBLA. North Central FBLA hosts the event which features a keynote speaker and multiple workshops. 

Sports and Career Day

TBD ~ This event allows students to tour the Wenatchee Wild hockey facitilities, learning about the business processes that go into managing and marketing the team. The day ends watching a hockey game where participants get the opportunity to see the business concepts they learned about in practice.

North Central Regional Leadership Conference

Feb 8 ~ This conference is the first competition of the school year. This conference is held on a Saturday and attendance is only mandatory for participants competing in a presentation event. 

Washington Business Leadership Conference

Apr 23-26 ~ This conference is a three day event. Participants will compete in their events, attend leadership workshops, and network with other students from around Washington State.

National Leadership Conference

Jun 25-Jul 1 ~ This conference is a weeklong event that is held in different a location every year. Participants will compete in their events, attend leadership workshops, network with other FBLA students from around the country, and will enjoy an FBLA Activity Night. Last year, the activity night was held at Universal Studios Florida. The 2025 National Conference will be held in Anahiem California.


Events marked TBD are still in consideration. When the date is finalized this page will be updated!


  • 7th ~ Fall Leadership Conference

  • TBD ~MOE Tech Fair

  • TBD ~ FBLA Movie Night

  • TBD ~ School Store Opening

  • 17th ~ Tech Fair

  • 20th ~ Harvest Hustle

  • TBD ~ Trick or Treat Event








  • TBD ~ Iceskating/Leavenworth Trip

  • TBD ~ Sport Career Day

  • 31st ~ Basketball Concessions

  • TBD ~ March Madness Bracket Competition

  • 18th ~ St. Patrick's Day Parade

  • TBD ~ University Campus Tour 

  • ​TBD ~ Officer Interviews

  • TBD ~ FBLA Officer Elections - Chapter Vote

  • TBD ~ End of the Year Banquet

  • TBD ~ Back to School Initial Prep

  • 2nd ~School Board Meeting Presentation

  • TBD ~ Letters to Santa

  • 8th ~ North Central Regional Conference

  • TBD ~ State Field Trip Meeting (everything you need to know about state)

  • TBD ~ School Store Valentines Day Promotion

  • 1st - 22nd ~ State Competition Prep (before and after school)

  • TBD ~ University Campus Tour

  • 23rd - 26th ~ Washington Business Leadership Conference

  • TBD ~ Officer Applications Open


  • Jun 25 - Jul 1 ~ National Leadership Conference

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