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Prejudged Reports
and Projects

Analyze a business concept and create a report or project to demonstrate mastery

 American Enterprise Project

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a report outlining the process of running a school store. This event first requires that competitors have a store run by the local FBLA chapter and the participant must play an active part in managing it.  Submission elements include:​

  • A report, no more than 17 pages long, detailing store activities

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the report

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Prejudged report, no more than 17 pages including the cover page

  • Second page must include a table of contents

  • Reports must describe chapter activities conducted from the end of the 2024 State Leadership Conference to the end of the 2025 State Leadership Conference

  • Present based on the report's information

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

Business Plan

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a report outlining the process of running a school store. This event first requires that competitors have a store run by the local FBLA chapter and the participant must play an active part in managing it.  Submission elements include:​

  • A report, no more than 17 pages, detailing store activities

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the report

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Prejudged report, no more than 17 pages including the cover page

  • Second page must include a table of contents

  • The report needs to describe a business concept and the plan to open the business. A detailed list of requirements is in the pdf

  • Present based on the report's information

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

 Coding and Programming

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a project that they will need to code and program to meet the specifications outlined in the brief.  Competitors will need to create the project than present their work to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people) Submission elements include:​

  • A participant made program, completed to specification by the day of competition

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the project

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Programming project that allows high school students to track and manage their finances

  • The program should allow users to input details about their income sources and expenses, including the amount, category, and date of each transaction

  • ​The program should provide features to view the current balance, generate summaries of income and expenses over specified periods (e.g., weekly, monthly), and categorize expenses to show spending patterns

  • The program should include functionality to update or delete existing entries and offer search and filter options to easily find specific transactions

Community Service Project

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a report outlining a community service project created an managed by the Chelan FBLA Chapter. Competitors in this event need to be part of the planning and execution of the event in addition to writing the report.  Submission elements include:​

  • A report, no more than 17 pages, detailing store activities

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the report

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Prejudged report, no more than 17 pages including the cover page

  • Second page must include a table of contents

  • The report needs to describe a community service project planned and organized by the Chelan FBLA Chapter

  • Present based on the report's information

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

Computer Game & Simulation Programming

  Event Description:

   Participants will need to code and program a video game following the specifications outlined in the brief. Competitors will need to create the project than present their work to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people) Submission elements include:​

  • A participant made video game, completed to specification by the day of competition

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the project

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Create a game that encourages critical thinking and decision-making. Include:

    • Scenarios with ethical challenges

    • Multiple outcomes based on player decisions

    • Scoring (examples include points system, leaderboards, etc.)

  • The game must:

    • Be playable on the student device using Windows 10, Mac OS, a modern web browser, or a mobile platform

    • Be secure

    • Have no game-breaking bugs

Digital Animation

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a report outlining the process of running a school store. This event first requires that competitors have a store run by the local FBLA chapter and the participant must play an active part in managing it.  Submission elements include:​

  • A digital animation, 2-minutes or less, that follows the theme

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the report

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • A digital animation following the theme “Welcome to Our School”

  • The animation need to teach a fictitious new student or teacher about your school

  • Present based on the concept of your animation by showing the animation and explaining the creative process behind the finished result

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

 Financial Statement Analysis

  Event Description:

   Participants need to analyze the finances of a business and present recommendations based on the analysis in front of a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). Both the analysis and recommendations should be supported by additional data. Submission elements include:​

  • A financial document analysis completed by the date of the competition

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the analysis

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Participants will act as a new employee hired by the Chief Financial Officer of Target. Provide a presentation to highlight the key changes in the financial statements from financial statements ending February 3, 2024, to identify the overall financial condition of the company and provide a strategy for upcoming business decisions and opportunities for growth.

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

Future Business Educator

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a lesson plan on a business topic of their choice and select a portion of that lesson plan to present to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). This presentation is interactive and judges will act as students during the presentation. Submission elements include:​

  • A prejudged lesson plan

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the report

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Competitors must create a lesson plan and can choose a business-related topic from one of the following subject areas:
    • Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, or Technology.
  • Participants will chose a portion of their lesson plan to present. The judges will act as students
  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

 Future Business Leader

  Event Description:

   Participants need to create an accurate resume and cover letter. Competitors will also need to take a 100 questions test over the course of 50 minutes. Finally, at the competition, participants will complete an interview. The goal of this event is to prove the leadership qualities developed over the participant's time in FBLA. Test competencies include:​

  • FBLA Organization

  • FBLA Bylaws & Handbook

  • FBLA National Competitive Event Guidelines

  • FBLA National Publications

  • FBLA Mission, Pledge and Goals

  • General Business Knowledge

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • A resume, not to exceed 2 pages

  • A cover letter, not to exceed 1 page

    • Both the resume and cover letter should highlight leadership skills, achievements, experiences, and volunteerism
  • A 50-minute, 100 question test
  • A 10 minute interview where candidates discuss the role of FBLA and the leadership skills they developed while in high school
Local Chapter Annual Business Report

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a report outlining the Chelan Chapter's activities over the course of the year. Competitors in this event should be active members in the club and must work with the officer team to ensure all events are covered.  Submission elements include:​

  • A report, no more than 17 pages, detailing chapter activities

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the report

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Prejudged report, no more than 17 pages including the cover page

  • Second page must include a table of contents

  • The report needs to give a complete overview of all the chapter's activities since the end of the previous year's state conference

  • Present based on the report's information

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

Mobile Application Development

  Event Description:

   Participants will need to create a mobile application following the specifications outlined in the brief. Competitors will need to create the project than present their work to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people) Submission elements include:​

  • A participant created mobile application, completed to specification by the competition date

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the analysis

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Participants will design a mobile application that gamifies learning for subjects like math, science, history, or language arts, offering interactive quizzes, puzzles, and progress tracking.

  • Present based on the concept of your mobile application by showing the application and explaining the creative process behind the finished result

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

Partnership with Business Partner

  Event Description:

   Participants must complete a report outlining the Chelan Chapter's partnership with a business that benefits the community and contributes to the greater good. Competitors in this event should be actively working with the partner business, facilitating communication and managing elements of the partnership.  Submission elements include:​

  • A report, no more than 17 pages, detailing chapter activities

  • A 7-minute presentation based on the report

Submission Requirements

Additional Resources

  • Prejudged report, no more than 17 pages including the cover page

  • Second page must include a table of contents

  • The report needs to give a complete overview of a partnership with a business that benefits the greater good of the community

  • Present based on the report's information

  • Competitors will have 3-minutes to set up, 7-minutes to present, and 3-minutes for a Q&A

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