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Events in this category require participants to research a business topic and share their findings in a presentation format. Presentations are typically in a private room in front of 1 to 3 judges, although it varies by venue and competition type. Most events have a yearly topic that participants need to follow to receive high marks, although some require creating videos or other small projects to successfully move on.

All presentation events can be found below, with more resources and information on event topics and presentation requirements available on the presentation page. 

  • Broadcast Journalism

  • Business Ethics

  • Client Service

  • Data Analysis

  • Digital Video Production

  • Electronic Career Portfolio

  • Graphic Design

  • Impromptu Speaking

  • Introduction to Business Presentation

  • Introduction to Programming

  • Introduction to Public Speaking

  • Introduction to Social Media Strategy

  • Job Interview

  • Public Service Announcement

  • Public Speaking

  • Sales Presentation

  • Social Media Strategies

  • Visual Design

  • Website Coding & Development

  • Website Design

Business Role Play Scenarios

All business role play scenarios can be found below, with more resources and information about testing competencies and impromptu topics available on the business role play scenario page.

  • Banking & Financial Systems

  • Business Management

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Help Desk

  • Hospitality & Event Management

  • International Business

  • Introduction to Event Planning

  • Management Information Systems

  • Marketing

  • Network Design

  • Parliamentary Procedure

  • Sports & Entertainment Management

Events in this category require participants to complete a 100 question test within a 50 minute time frame and  present on an impromptu presentation at state.

TESTING - Competitors will be informed about the testing window, the date range in which the test must be completed, and will need to take their test in Poland's classroom. Traditionally, there is a test before regionals and another before state should a participant qualify. 

IMPROMPTU PRESENTATION - Competitors who are within the top 15 participants at state in their event will be asked to give an impromptu presentation. When competing, participants will have 20 minutes to review a topic then give their recommendations based on the prompt within a 7 minute time frame.

Production Entries

Events in this category require participants to complete a 100 question test within a 50 minute time frame and  complete 5 small projects a one hour period.

TESTING - Competitors will be informed about the testing window, the date range in which the test must be completed, and will need to take their test in Poland's classroom. Traditionally, there is a test before regionals and another before state should a participant qualify. 

PROJECT TESTING COMPONENT - Competitors will be given 5 seperate prompts related to their event category. Each prompt should take the competitor no more than 20 minutes to complete. Special attention should be paid to the process of saving and submitting the work as this testing component is unlike any other competition.

All production entry events can be found below, with more resources and information about testing competencies available on the production entry page. 

  • Computer Applications

  • Spreadsheet Applications

  • Word Processing

Objective Tests

Events in this category require participants to complete a 100 question test within a 50 minute time frame. Competitors will be informed about the testing window, the date range in which the test must be completed, and will need to take their test in Poland's classroom. Traditionally, there is a test before regionals and another before state should a participant qualify.

All testing events can be found below, with more resources and information about testing competencies available on the objective test page.

Prejuded Reports and Projects

Events in this category require participants to complete a project and present that project to judges. The projects vary, and can include animating, programming, or writing a report. The project portion for these events are typically due 2 months before state. Because of the later deadline most of these events are considered direct to state events, although completion of these projects to a satisfactory standard is required to continue forward.

All business role play scenarios can be found below, with more resources and information about testing competencies and impromptu topics available on the business role play scenario page.

  • American Enterprise Project

  • Business Plan

  • Coding & Programming

  • Community Service Project

  • Computer Game & Simulation

  • Digital Animation

  • Financial Statement Analysis

  • Future Business Educator

  • Future Business Leader

  • Local Chapter Annual Business Report

  • Mobile Application Development

  • Partnership with Business Project

  • Accounting I

  • Accounting II

  • Advertising

  • Agribusiness

  • Business Communication

  • Business Law

  • Computer Problem Solving

  • Cybersecurity

  • Economics

  • Financial Math

  • Healthcare Administration

  • Human Resource Management

  • Insurance & Risk Management

  • Introduction to Business Communication

  • Introduction to Business Concepts

  • Introduction to Business Procedures

  • Introduction to FBLA

  • Introduction to Financial Math

  • Introduction to Information Technology

  • Introduction to Marketing Concepts

  • Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure

  • Journalism

  • Networking Infrastructures

  • Organizational Leadership

  • Personal Finance

  • Public Policy & Advocacy

  • Securities & Investments

  • Supply Chain Management

  • UX Design

Still Not Sure?

Reach out to Poland or our officer team, we are happy to help!

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